List of Supervised Students

Current Students

  • Mayuresh Pachore, “Reinforcement Learning Control of an Aerial Robot in Physical Interaction Tasks”

Former Students

Master Students

  • Gabriele Ruscelli, “External Wrench Estimation of Aerial Robot Exploiting a Learned Model”
  • Pantelis Manouselis, “A Hybrid Aerodynamic-Interference-Aware Model for Multi-Rotor Platforms”
  • Rohit Aggarwal, “Data-driven Modelling and Control of Multi-rotor Aerial Vehicles”
  • Louis Nelissen, “Autonomous trajectory generation of an aerial manipulator in a physical inspection task using visual features”
  • Daniël Logmans, “Friction-aware Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Aerial Physical Interaction tasks”
  • Woong Kim, “Modelling of a 3-DOF Robot Arm for Physical Interaction”, (Co-supervised with Hanieh Esmaeeli)
  • Vishakha Patel, “A Comparative Study on the Optimal Use of a Fully-actuated Multi-rotor Aerial Robots”, (Co-supervised with Hanieh Esmaeeli)

Bachelor Students

Ayham Alharbat
Ayham Alharbat
Robotics Researcher

My research focuses on Modeling and Control of Aerial Robots in Physical Interaction tasks.